The Youth Opportunities Association was established in Antalya in 2015 as a youth NGO that promotes intercultural learning, human rights, understanding, active citizenship, volunteerism, and self-development of young people. We know that young people are the key to our future on this path, which we set out with the motto ”To the Future with the Power of Youth", and we aim to raise successful young people for a good future. Especially have a more limited means, and young people with disabilities to become actively involved in public life, to take initiative, entrepreneurial spirit and creativity is encouraged; to fight against all kinds of discrimination, cultural diversity, social cohesion, and sustainable development, we aim to support and encourage the mobility of youth at European level.
We organize and manage local and international projects in which we can actively involve young people. In our offices we allow local and international volunteers to be creative, to make their own mark to start influencing this city, then this country and the world.
We know that the key to a beautiful future is young people, and that is why we are trying to develop young people who are the keys to the future.
We are trying to develop our young people with a cross-cultural environment to broaden their perspective and enable them to meet practices from all over Europe and around the world sooner.
To be a leading, innovative and exemplary non-governmental organization in Turkey and around the world.
Our association, together with its employees, aims for all young people to be healthy, happy, confident, problem-solving and active individuals, to grow up in universal quality and standards. Our most important capital is our human resources. The quality of our services is directly proportional to the quality of our employees. It is to be taken as an example by the best ones.